3. This cat doesn’t take shit from any man, or other cat.

(The ginger cat is a huge misogynist.)
5. This cat doesn’t give a shit about looking ladylike.

“Fuck your expectations.” – This cat.
6. This cat knows that wearing a pink collar doesn’t make her any less of a feminist.

She’s also side-eyeing an overpaid idiot.
7. These cats are enjoying their weekly feminist book club meeting.

This week it’s Roxane Gay.
8. This cat is using interpretive dance to challenge limited definitions of gender.

Gender isn’t a binary, it’s a beautiful spectrum, as this dance represents.
9. This cat just heard a sexist joke and is about to explain to his friends that what they perceive as innocent banter is actually oppressive to women.

He is a good ally, this cat. Good boy.
10. This cat is sharing responsibility for child-rearing equally with his partner.
He would never undervalue work simply because it takes place in the home.
11. This cat will not stand for another second of mansplaining.
“I actually have a degree in astrophysics, thanks.” – This cat.
12. This cat is delivering a lecture on intersectionality.

13. This cat would like to know why she’s being paid less than the tomcat down the road to do the exact same job.