At the Royal Rumble, Charlotte successfully defended her Divas
Championship against Becky Lynch in one of the best main roster female
feuds in recent memory.
After the match during her celebrations, Sasha
Banks entered the ring, and made her intentions clear that she wanted a
shot at the title.
Not only is Sasha Banks among my personal favorites on the roster (If
I had to rank, I’d say she’s third under Kevin Owens and AJ Styles),
she’s also extremely accomplished already in the WWE. Her feud with
Bayley last year was so good it even got recognition on Raw, but Sasha’s
work in NXT stretched far beyond her feud with Bayley. She was involved
in an utterly fantastic Fatal Fourway at NXT Takeover Rival where she
won the NXT title, as well as a great match with Becky Lynch at
Takeover: Unstoppable. In fact, every time Sasha is given time in the
ring, she shows she is one of the best workers in the company.
The majority of fans know this. The chants of “WE WANT SASHA” have
rung ever since she debuted on the main roster only to be mishandled
with the sloppy Team BAD storylines. But what’s so incredible about
Sasha is how she can turn a crowd that love her completely against her.
It speaks wonders to her heel performance when the whole crowd booed her
at NXT Takeover: Respect for stealing a young Bayley fans bow and
making fun of her for crying about it.
Honestly, I cannot put over Sasha Banks enough. For someone so young
to be showing such natural talent already only bodes well to the future,
and as much as the “divas revolution” seemed to be more of a hashtag
than an actual revolution at points, it’ll be Sasha that really drives
women’s matches to the respectable position they should be.
Anyway, here are 20 incredibly hot photos of her.
20. Pre-Pool Selfie
This Instagram photo uploaded last year shows The Boss ready to hit
the water in a stylish and colorful bikini. A keen instagrammer, Sasha
is perhaps the Queen of the Selfie, and when combined with a pool attire
it creates an image that is hard to look away from. Her incredible
conditioning and hard work to become one of the best female wrestlers in
the business has the added side effect of giving her a killer body, and
this photo shows that off nicely.
19. Sasha Baynks
Sasha always has awesome costume ideas around Halloween time, and
2015 was no different when she suited up as her main rival in NXT for
the year, Bayley. Posting pictures of her sporting the Marvel-themed
attire Bayley wore at NXT Takeover Respect for their history-making main
event match, Sasha imitates Bayley’s entrance in this double picture
she uploaded to Instagram.
There’s something undeniably strange about seeing Banks wearing
Bayley’s costume with such joy in her face, and it certainly makes for
an interesting picture that has the added benefit of highlighting her
excellently toned stomach.
18. Mercedes with Attitude
Before joining WWE, Sasha wrestled under her real name, Mercedes. In
this promotional photo she took during this time, a young Sasha Banks
still manages to exhume the same attitude ‘The Boss’ character shows off
If anything, it shows how well The Boss character fits her. Years
before she even spitballed character ideas around the NXT offices, she
was still showing shades of the arrogant attitude that helped get her so
The tight black leather number with the fishnet tights certainly
doesn’t hurt this image either, with the sexy pose showing her form of
17. Frosty Banks
Never one to take herself too seriously, Sasha uploads a picture of
herself dressed in a snowman onesie during Christmas time, showing that
you don’t need to be revealing to be sexy. The cozy costume looks just
right for snuggling up by the couch with a hot mug of cocoa to watch
Monday Night Raw with.
Christmas proved to be a fun time for Sasha, as she spent the day
reposting pictures of people opening up Legit Boss t-shirts and rings,
and she showed a real connection with her fanbase.
16. Award Winning Boss
Sasha Banks won the NXT Match of the Year award, voted for by fans,
for her match with Bayley at NXT Takeover Brooklyn. In this picture she
proudly shows off her award, throwing up the BOSS rings proudly as she
does so. Sasha always looks sexy, no matter what, and there’s definitely
something great about seeing her get recognition for her incredible
work ethic inside the ring. It shows not only is she a sexy person,
she’s a sexy talented person. Sasha Banks is really the complete
15. Legit Boss
Sasha recently dyed her hair a lighter shade of pink than the
previous dark red, updating her ring gear to go alongside it. Sasha
always sizzled, but now she is full on burning hot when she comes out to
the ring. This official picture shows off exactly why Sasha is one of
the most anticipated Divas in WWE right now, being one of the sexiest
and stylish girls on the roster.
On top of that, she even does the one thing that Kanye West has tried
so hard to do but failed: Made those dumb shutter shades look good.
14. Beanie Selfie
Maybe this is just me, but I find some girls just look absolutely
stunning in a beanie hat. I couldn’t accurately say why, but something
about beanie hats just really help complete a girl’s look to me, and
that’s definitely the case with Sasha here. I’ve already said she’s the
Queen of the Selfie, which she absolutely proves here, looking modestly
sexy in this Instagram upload.
13. Chaotic Wrestling Champion
Before she was The Boss of the NXT Women’s Division, she was ruling
the roost at Chaotic Wrestling, a regional promotion in New England.
Wrestling under the name Mercedes MV, she wowed audiences with her
still-developing style and her sexy looks. It is strange going back and
seeing Sasha Banks give promos recorded on a phone in someone’s garden,
and it’s definitely strange seeing someone with a gimmick so dedicated
to style and class post for an indie promotion – but it also shows that
no matter where she is, Sasha is hot as hell.
12. Why So Serious?
via via
I wrote earlier that Sasha had a knack for excellent Halloween
costumes, and her 2014 attempt is one of the sexist costumes I’ve ever
seen. She is always happy to show off her nerd cred, and what better way
is there to do so than dressing up as a sexy version of The Joker?
Becky Lynch also dressed up this year as Robin, leading a few fun images
of the two surfacing, but this gorgeous body shot of her in costume is
definitely the nicest to look at. Hell, it’s enough to make me go
11. In the Pool
You know in old cartoons when a character see’s a woman his eyes
bulge outside his sockets and he starts saying the word “Humina” over
and over again? I never really understood that until I saw this picture
from a photoshoot and started involuntarily saying the word as
my jaw lowered towards the floor.
I’ve always found Sasha Banks to be the most attractive diva, and to
see her in such an alluring bikini with that small and sweet smile on
her face is almost too much for my heart to take.
10. Sailor Banks
I mentioned earlier that Sasha had no problem showing how much of a
nerd she is online, and that’s only proved by this pic of her dressed as
a Sailor Scout from the popular anime series Sailor Moon. She’s spoken
at length before on various shows, most notably Xavier Woods’
UpUpDownDown series, of her love of anime and Asian culture, and gets
very noticeably excited when she gets to talk about it.
Athletic, hot, funny, talented and a complete geek who would actually
be eager to talk about anime and comic books with you – is there a more
perfect woman on Earth?
9. If I May Direct Your Attention…
If I was thinking rationally and level-headed, I would definitely see
this image as her pointing at her logo that’s on her wrestling shorts.
However, I can rarely remain level-headed when Sasha Banks is involved,
and all I see is her directing my attention to her absolutely
magnificent booty.
Sasha is a complete natural when it comes to striking a perfectly
sexy pose and the way she bends her body to make her butt the highlight
of this photo is entirely appreciated.
8. Cocky Champ
At a house show in early 2015, a fan decided to take a few snaps of
Sasha in the ring with her NXT Women’s Championship. What he probably
didn’t expect was for the champ to start smiling and posing for him. The
guy uploaded a few of the pics onto Twitter, with a cheeky message to
The Boss to go along with it. She responded with a simple “I’m cute.”
Yes Sasha, you are, even with that smug look of recognition on your face.
7. Hot in the Shade
It’s hard to resist a good bikini picture, especially when the
subject is the unimaginably beautiful Sasha Banks. The crystal blue
waters fed by the cascading waterfall in the background serve as a
wonderful environment for this picture of Sasha taking a break from
making divas tap out on Raw.
Her stylish ensemble does little to hide her wonderful figure, which
she proudly shows off with a peace sign thrown up. The only worrisome
thing is that she’s holding her phone, which seems dangerous that close
to the water.
6. Knock-Out
Part of a photo series that she would post on her Tumblr, Sasha looks
equal part stunning and dangerous in this clip made to look like a
post-training session. Her glistening skin makes her shine, though the
boxing gloves on her hands warns you to stay away.
Interestingly, during some candid interviews in her NXT days, Sasha
claimed she struggled to cope under the WWE system, and she was having
trouble adjusting. Looking at this picture here, it’s hard to imagine
the tough-as-balls and ultra-confident Boss ever having confidence
5. Champion
One of the most lovable things about Sasha Banks is her sense of
humor. While she is deadly serious about winning on TV, on social media
she’s very playful and a fun person to follow. This picture sums that up
pretty nicely, I think. A crudely written “Women’s Championship” on a
piece of paper stretched over her belly, pretending it’s the real thing.
It’s cheeky and playful, and gives us a glimpse as to hopefully what
the future holds.
4. Dee Oh Double Gee
The best fact about Sasha Banks is that hip-hop legend Snoop Dogg is
her cousin. Snoop is known to be a wrestling fan, but it’s still
somewhat weird seeing him pose with his younger cousin wearing a Legit
Boss t-shirt. The fact he sends his support to her through social media
around big match-ups is sweet as well.
Sometimes it doesn’t matter how sexy a girl is, if their family isn’t
chill, you’re gonna have a bad time. This picture lets you know that
Sasha has the chillest family in the world.
3. Super Sexyan
There’s plenty of proof throughout this list that Sasha Banks has
nerd cred for days, but this picture she tweeted when the new Dragonball
Z movie was released pretty much sums up the real Sasha Banks
perfectly. An incredibly gorgeous woman with a smile that could kill
proudly holding up her new anime purchase, with a backdrop of various
framed anime posters.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – Is there anything sexier
than a genuine nerdy girl? Christ, she even tweeted the animation
studio. She’s exactly the type of person I wish I was confident enough
to be.
2. Round 2
Another picture from the boxing themed shoot, this one takes us into
the ring where Sasha pulls off a trademark sexy post, highlighting one
of her best assets. She’s got a natural talent for both wrestling and
contorting her body into the perfect position to make her butt look
good, and this photo shows that off amazingly well with the tight shorts
she’s wearing leaving very little to the imagination.
She doesn’t even need to throw a punch for me to see stars, this picture alone is enough to make me feint.
1. The Boss, Sasha Banks
Sasha Banks is my favorite female wrestler in the world right now,
and is in my top 3 favorite wrestlers in WWE. But I’d also place her in a
top 3 celebrity crushes, because aside from her hilarious sense of
humor and love of pop culture, she is…well, look at that picture. She is
easily one of the sexiest women in the world. A fantastic body topped
with a beautiful face, this picture is completed by the revealing bikini
she’s wearing, leaving very little the imagination. The only thing that
would make this picture better is some gold around that waist.